Via Docker
installing Openclassify on windows docker desktop
1. Docker Desktop on Windows
Download docker desktop (Download)
install docker desktop according to Install Docker Desktop on Windows
when you installed the docker desktop successfully. restart windows
2. Install WSL2 on Windows
You need to download WSL2 Linux kernel update package for x64 machines
follow steps 4 and 5 of this Docs
after you installed and updated WSL2 Linux kernel successfully. restart the docker desktop.
it should run without error.
3. Install ubuntu 20.04 LTS on Windows
open Mircosoft Store on your Windows
in the Windows Store search for Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Download Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS and install it on the windows store
open it
It will start installing ubuntu on your windows and ask for a username and password, so set a username and password.
4. Docker Desktop, WSL2, and ubuntu configuration
open the docker desktop and go to Settings
then go to General
tab and set options the same as below:
go to Resources
tab and set options like the below:
Click on Apply & restart
5. Set WSL as Phpstorm terminal
Open Phpstorm and go to File > Settings...
then go to tools > terminal
in the application settings open the selectbox and select wsl.exe --distribution Ubuntu-20.04
like below:
Click OK.
6. Install php7.4 on the WSL Ubunutu-20.04
open Ubunutu-20.04 on Windows
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-dev php-zip php-curl php-pear php-mbstring php-mysql php-gd php-xml curl -y
PHP -v
you should see something like this:
try composer --version
if it does not install so install it from HERE
7. Install Openclassify
open ubuntu
cd ~
git clone
cd openclassify
git config core.fileMode false
composer install
composer require laravel/sail --dev
in providers
add this line:
mv .env-sail .env
alias sail="./bin/sail"
sail build --no-cache
sail up -d
sail artisan install --ready
Openclassify installed
admin panel:
username: root
you can change this username and password in the .env file before running sail up -d
Access to project on Windows
in File Explorer on Windows
replace {USER} with your WSL ubuntu-20.04 username
also, you can open from this address in the Phpstorm or any IDE
Last updated